Events 2017-2019

30 years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The physical and psychological significance of border walls and their role in today’s world
  • Michael JAUMANN, Head of the DAAD Information Centre in Bucharest
  •  Fréderic BEAUMONT, Attaché de coopération scientifique et universitaire, Ambassade de France en Roumanie, Institut français Roumanie

The conversation was moderated by Professor Liviu Muresan, Executive President of EURISC.

Visit from Students and Faculty at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

The collaboration between the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, through its Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems, and Indiana University (IU), through its Kelley School of Business, started in 2015, when a Memorandum of Understanding was concluded between the two units to encourage the mutual exchange of faculty and students. As per the terms of this agreement, a group of students enrolled in Kelley’s 3/2 MBA program travel to Romania on an annual basis to conduct their international field studies for 7 weeks, interning with relevant Bucharest firms. 

In 2019, 19 such students have visited the BUES and Bucharest. Additionally, the students have visited the US Embassy in Bucharest, where they were received by His Excellency Ambassador Hand Klemm, an alumnus of Indiana University.

Besides this group, 23 students enrolled in the undergraduate program of the Kelley School of Business have visited the BUES on May 8 2019, as part of the university’s International Week. The Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems (coordinating faculty Prof. Catalin Albu) has organized an event with a pairing group of BUES students and representatives of the Romanian business environment, entitled “The role of accounting information in doing business in Romania – an international perspective”. 

The experiential learning fostered by the meeting was appreciated by the BUES and IU students alike, as they were able to develop a deeper understanding of the Romanian business environment and develop their communication and group work competences. The students have addressed the real-life challenges of two firms, related mainly to staff remuneration in professional accounting and auditing firms, and renewable energy and the challenges of sustainable cities, respectively. The visit was conducted as part of a broader experiential learning business trip undertaken by IU students in non-American business environments.

Not lastly, an ERASMUS+ agreement was concluded in 2019, intended to support and intensify the cooperation between the two schools. As a follow-up event, KSB’s Dean Prof. Idalene Kesner, together with Prof. Laureen Maines (Executive Associate Dean for Faculty and Research) and Prof. Ash Soni (Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs) have visited the BUES and its Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems, represented by Dean Liliana Feleaga, Prof. Nadia Albu (Vice-Dean for Research and International Activities) and Prof. Andrei Stanciu (Vice-Dean for Academic Programs), on 22-24 May 2019. The teams from both schools have discussed, among others, the international ranking criteria (including AACSB), the idea of joint certificates and the challenges of the American and Romanian business and academic environments. A further intensification of the collaboration should lead to more cooperation opportunities for both institutions.