Work with us

IIE’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, now and throughout our history, is a critical part of our effort to engage thoughtfully with all of our internal and external constituents around the world, and reaffirms our deep commitment to these principles. We believe that racism and inequality are and have been inherently contradictory to our mission. And while IIE has worked for over a century to build a more peaceful, equitable world, we recognize that there is much work yet to do. We support programs with a universal commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, multiculturalism and international understanding and cooperation.  

IEW webinar recordings now available

Tune in to conversations with IIE’s Office of the CEO and a presentation and discussion on university and community partnership strategies for supporting refugees and displaced persons.

IIENetworker magazine

Read the latest issue of the IIENetworker magazine, which reflects on the state of the international education profession and what it will look like in the near future.

Latest Updates

IIENetworker Magazine Receives a 2021 Gold MarCom Award

IIE is honored to be recognized as a 2021 Gold MarCom awardee for our Spring 2021: Global Voices issue of the IIENetworker magazine. Our partners at Naylor Association Solutions submitted IIE’s magazine to the annual international competition for marketing & communication professionals. MarCom Awards honors excellence in marketing and communication while recognizing the creativity, hard work, and generosity of industry professionals.  

Kansas State University Recognizes IIE as a Leader in International Initiatives

Every year during International Education Week, Kansas State University Office of International Programs (OIP) acknowledges faculty, departments, and organizations who globally engage with Kansas State’s community.  We are honored that IIE was the recipient of the 2021 International Innovative Education Program of the Year Award. The International Innovative Education Program Award was initiated to recognize one external organization that goes above and beyond promoting international initiatives and/or serving their university. Kansas State specifically noted IIE’s impressive work administering the Fulbright Programs, the needed support we have provided for their students through IIE’s Emergency Student Fund, and our hard-fought advocacy work on behalf of international education and international students, particularly concerning Afghan students and scholars. 

Multiple Fulbright RFP Opportunities

Host Fulbright Pakistan Re-Entry Seminar
Proposal Deadline: December 21, 2021

On behalf of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), IIE invites higher education institutions to submit a proposal to host a 4-day Fulbright Pakistan Re-Entry Seminar during Spring 2022 for approximately 150 Fulbright Students from Pakistan. The Seminar is designed to prepare Fulbrighters for their transition home and its three primary objectives are that students will reflect on the impact of the Fulbright exchange experience, develop personal and professional goals to apply upon return to Pakistan, and strategize methods for coping with potential personal, social, and cultural challenges. If you are interested in hosting the 2022 Fulbright Pakistan Re-Entry Seminar, please obtain the RFP through the IIE website (RFP No: 120321/JP). 

Host an Enrichment Seminar for Fulbright Visiting Scholars
Proposal Deadline: January 10, 2022
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and IIE invite higher education institutions to submit a proposal to host a 4-day Fulbright Enrichment Seminar during the Spring of 2022 for 90 Fulbright Visiting Scholars. The seminar provides opportunities for Fulbright Visiting Scholars to gain a deeper understanding of the United States and connect with other fellow Fulbright Scholars. If you are interested in hosting a 2021-2022 Fulbright Enrichment Seminar, please obtain the RFP through the IIE website. (RFP No: 120321/AK).

Important Reminders

Access IIE American Passport Project to learn more about the program and application process. IIENetwork members can apply for the opportunity to fund up to 25 U.S. passports for Pell-eligible students. 

We invite IIENetwork members and special guests to submit articles to the IIENetworker magazine sharing their thoughts on how international education should evaluate its impact and communicate its value to others, addressing such questions as: How have metrics of success in international education changed over time and especially in response to current events? What definitions and concepts do we – or should we – use to understand achievement?
Article proposals are encouraged before December 13, 2021, but not required for consideration.
Original article submissions (Word document, max. 800 words) are due Friday, January 7, 2022. Email Ashley Stipek, astipek@iie.org, with all inquiries and submissions.

Community Announcements

Submit a Proposal for the 2022 Respectful Disruption Summit

Proposal Deadline: February 3, 2022

COMPEAR and GoAbroad.com have formed a partnership to collaboratively amplify the experiences of the underrepresented and underserved around the globe, as well as discuss ways to respectfully and actively disrupt practices and policies that make room for inequality and discrimination in international education. One result of this partnership will be the inaugural 2022 Global Respectful Disruption Summit. This event is a joint effort to bring together like-minded individuals for learning, discussion, and solutions and aims to be real talk, uncensored and action-oriented. 

The event welcomes proposals focused on global or multicultural justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion especially as they pertain to areas or populations that may currently be systematically overlooked or missing from discussion in international education experiences, research, and careers. Examples of topic areas could include but are not limited to Ethnocentrism, Racism, Sexism, Classism, Ableism, Ageism, Heterosexism, and other educational inequities. Topics should also include tangible takeaways, actions, and next steps that can be implemented in anyone’s personal or professional life.

CCID’s Maxwell King & Robert Breuder Founders Study Abroad Scholarship

Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) is excited to announce a new scholarship opportunity: CCID’s Maxwell King & Robert Breuder Founders Study Abroad Scholarship! In an effort to expand access to international experiences for community college students, CCID is offering student study abroad scholarships of $500 for participation in a global experience.  Eligible global experiences include: short-term faculty led study abroad programs (at least 5 days in length), semester-long study abroad programs or a virtual global learning program (4 weeks minimum).

Institute of International Education